Identity Theft Protection by the Writer
Identity Theft Protection by the Writer
Now what's the big deal? If your credit card number has been stolen, you should contact your card issuer for assistance.
The Federal Trade Commission reports that nearly 60% of cases of identity theft do not include your current credit card accounts.
Credit card or bank loan fraud, utility or phone bill skimming, or even fraud involving your place of employment are all ways your identity can be stolen. All of us are at risk because there are so many ways in which we can be vulnerable.
What are your options? If this were to happen to you, where would you go for help? Am I to assume that you are unsure of how to clear your name? Rest assured, we have the solution, so you no longer need to fret over what to do.
You are well aware that Pre-Paid Legal Services®, Inc. was an early leader in the field of legal services. We have joined forces with Kroll Inc., the biggest risk consulting firm in the world, adding to our more than 30 years of history of protecting our members' legal rights.
Companies, government organizations, and individuals have relied on Kroll for over 30 years to help them minimize risk and make the most of commercial opportunities. Marsh Inc. provides risk and insurance services as a division of the worldwide professional services group Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., of which Kroll is a part. Operating and restructuring businesses, auditing accounting practices and financial documents, collecting and filtering electronic evidence for attorneys, conducting in-depth investigations, screening domestic and foreign-born job candidates, protecting individuals, and enhancing security systems and procedures are all within Kroll's purview, thanks to its offices in over 60 cities across the US and abroad. Kroll has spent the last three years creating a one-of-a-kind remedy for people who have been victimized by identity theft. Pre-Paid Legal members can now take advantage of this new service through the IDENTITY THEFT SHIELD feature.
Please tell me how this perk helps our members.
If you're worried about identity theft affecting your financial situation, the Identity Theft Shield provides you with easy-to-use tools to learn about your credit ratings and take action. If any questionable activity occurs in your account, this perk will let you know so that you may fix any damage to your credit report.
1. Experian Credit Report
Verify that all of your account records are correct.
One of your most valuable financial assets is your credit standing. It determines the interest rate you can borrow money at and also impacts your credit score. It can also make it harder for you to get insurance or a job. Credit scores are a measure of a person's reliability and dependability that is used by some businesses and insurance providers.
Your credit report should be reviewed on a regular basis, according to experts. You can do it easily with the Identity Theft Shield. Experian provides members with access to their most recent credit report at no extra cost.
You can use this material as an article in your newspaper, newsletter, or any other publication.
An Individual's Experian Credit Report and Analysis
You should be aware of the impact that your credit score has on your borrowing options.
Your credit report is the source from which your credit score is calculated. Lenders evaluate your creditworthiness based on this score. You have a better chance of getting the credit you desire if the number is higher.
In the Credit Report, you'll get an examination of your Personal Credit Score. Your current credit standing can be assessed using this technique.
2. Ongoing Credit Report Monitoring by Experian
Do not let your credit suffer because you were unaware of questionable conduct.
In the matter of hours, a skilled thief can adopt your persona. Reestablishing your credit, however, may take a long time. Your best defense against identity thieves is to catch them in the act as soon as possible.
Your credit reports will be checked by Experian every day as part of your Identity Theft Shield membership. In order to help you catch suspicious conduct early on, it will be brought to your attention. If someone opens a new account in your name or adds a negative entry to your credit report, you will be notified promptly.
Three, a service for restoring fraud
Consult with professionals for personalized support and guidance.
You need to take immediate action if there is a mistake on your credit report. To notify our customer service department of your concerns, please dial the Identity Theft Shield number that has been assigned. Our fraud investigators are here to help you through any stage of the process if it is determined to be identity theft. We will expedite the delivery of a Fraud Restoration package that includes comprehensive and detailed documents, assistance, and directions.
Enhanced Restoration Services are yours to enjoy when you execute a Limited Power of Attorney. In order to assess the full scope of the identity and credit fraud, Kroll will collaborate with you. Kroll will notify the three main credit bureaus—the FTC, the Social Security Administration, and the US Postal Service—of any fraudulent activity on your behalf. In order to fix your credit after identity theft, Kroll will coordinate with credit reporting companies, creditors, and collection agencies. To resolve your identity theft issues, Kroll will collaborate with relevant agencies, including the department of motor vehicles and police enforcement, if deemed appropriate and reasonable.
Basic Consulting Services will be provided in the event that you choose not to grant the Limited Power of Attorney. In order to assess the full scope of the identity and credit fraud, Kroll will collaborate with you. The organizations you'll need to collaborate with will have their contact details and processes supplied to you by Kroll. Throughout the process of reestablishing your identity, Kroll will be accessible through a toll-free phone line to offer guidance and support, as well as sample letters and documents.
Please be aware that this policy does not apply to cases of identity theft that happened before you enrolled for the membership or to incidents involving your company's name or address. If you, your spouse, or a kid were involved in, directed, or knew about a conduct that was dishonest, criminal, malicious, or fraudulent, then Identity Restoration will not be applicable. In the case of an existing, known incident of identity theft, restoration services will not be rendered. In order to access restoration services, you need to be a paying, active member. The insurance won't pay for anything if you lose money because of identity theft.
In order to cleanse their names, victims typically spend over 175 hours and $1,500 of their own money. The IDENTITY THEFT SHIELD from Pre-Paid Legal significantly reduces the expense of fighting identity theft. The peace of mind that comes with having an advocate fighting on their behalf is yours for only $12.95 per month [$9.95 when you add the Pre-Paid Legal membership to your IDENTITY THEFT SHIELD subscription]. The nicest part is that you and your spouse both get benefits from this monthly cost.
You can't turn on the news, magazine, or talk program without seeing an article or two on identity theft. It only seems sense to have this kind of coverage now that you know this advantage is available, doesn't it? Just think about how much easier it would be to deal with an identity theft situation if you and your spouse knew that these resources were available to us. To enroll in Identity Theft, phone 646-232-3552 and speak with Mark Freink, an independent associate. Get it done now before it's too late!
Refer to the written materials supplied by Pre-Paid Legal regarding Identity Theft Shield for a comprehensive inventory of disclosures and exclusions.
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